Set one year after the original Punk Rock Holocaust, the demonic Executioner’s headless, undead corpse is back on the 2004 Vans Warped Tour and it’s looking for its head! The killer’s body is tearing the heads off of various band members and sticking them on the jagged spinal cord where his neck used to be, using them to look for his own head. The heads retain the personality of the band member but the body is pure evil and is still carrying out the killings. The estranged heads aren’t on too good and keep falling off.
On the tour there is total “Holocaust Denial” as Kevin Lyman and his tour production staff refutes the reports of carnage that happened in the previous year. Meanwhile, the evil Record Executive Belial (once again played by Troma’s Lloyd Kaufman) is on the rampage and on Lyman’s case about the deaths on the tour. One precocious, nubile “Holocaust Survivor” named Meghan has become a reporter for a small independent magazine. She is determined to get to the bottom of the story and reveal the truth to the world. Kevin Lyman is hiding something, but why? And what?
The film features live music performances as well as acting performances from some of the top bands of the 2004 and 2005 Warped Tours including The Aquabats, Bouncing Souls, The Casualties, My Chemical Romance, River City Rebels, Riverboat Gamblers, The Planet Smashers, Mr. Dibbs, Teenage Harlets, Shira Girl, Pro BMX Rider Rick Thorne and more! The film’s stars include Kevin Lyman, Troma’s Lloyd Kaufman (creator of the Toxic Avenger) and Metal VJ Mistress Juliya!