Movies 2023

Unearthing The Underground Vol. 2

Australia 2022, 94 min (OV), director: Shaye Fox

The Australian Underground Music Scene is still a mysterious place so let’s dive in a little deeper into the underground
Featuring band interviews from all over the underground Punk, Metal and Art Scenes, Featuring awesome footage from gigs, Amazing illustrated pieces and plenty of interesting characters.

Kick Out!: The Newtown Neurotics Story

UK 2023, 84 min (OV), director: Luke J. Baker

This is the story of the dismantling of the welfare state, this is a story of resistance, a story of standing up for what you believe. This is a story about three musicians brought up in Harlow, a new town, whose ‘design for living’ offered a bright new future, an enhancement of community not a denial of it. When in 1979 Margret Thatcher became prime minister and later, relaxed media ownership laws in the UK for Rupert Murdoch, the neo liberal experiment began and storm clouds gathered.

The UK would never be the same again.

For every action, there is a reaction and the Newtown Neurotics, at this point, two non-political classic singles into their career, turned their attention to the ruling party of our land and recorded their incendiary single ‘Kick Out The Tories. The battle of ideas was underway and the band stood by their town, stood by the Miners in their fight against political and cultural vandalism and stood by their belief that the Tories needed to be stopped.

“I’ve seen your future, a generation with nothing left to lose” ‘Fighting Times’ Steve Drewett 1985.

The arc of this era of modern history is documented in their songs, If you want to know how we got to where we are now with Brexit et al.

it’s all here. In this story.

Return Of The Creeps

Greece 2023, 99 min (OV with engl. Subs), director: Nikos Chantzis

Athens 1982. Somewhere between Kypseli, Patisia and Exarchia districts, Creep Records was born. In its four year run, Creep Records featured some of the most important bands of the Greek New Wave, Post Punk and Dark Wave scene on its roster. Creep released a series of iconic records that are, to this day, music works of inestimable sentimental value.
A documentary about one of the first and most influential independent record labels in Greece which gave shelter to several underground bands of the 80’s, such as Yell-o-Yell and many others.

Rebel Dykes

UK 2021, 89 min (OV), directors: Siân A. Williams and Harri Shanahan

This is a full-length documentary about the explosion that happened when punk met feminism, told through the lives of a gang of lesbians in the riotous London of the 1980s.

The All Is One

Deutschland 2022, 81 min (OV with english subs), director: Tobias Schönenberg, with: Martin Timmy Haberger, Anna Pfingsten, Annaleen Frage

Slaughterhouse owner Werner Haas has a ton of slaughter waste dumped on his front lawn in the middle of the night. Fuming mad, he files charges against unknown persons and foolishly sets something in motion that can’t be stopped.

Los Angeles Flipside Fanzine the Narrative Documentary

US 2022, 60 min (OV), director: Hudley Flipside

Flipside Fanzine documented the original Los Angeles punk scene.
Pooch, Larry, Tory, X-8, and Al decided to do what no one else was doing. Write a fanzine. Live music was raw, loud, and intense. The clubs and bands were happening. A punk scene was growing fast, and punks gathered together in clusters.
1977 to 2002 Flipside Fanzine.

Underdog im Dock28

Deutschland 2023, 45 min (OV), directors: Angela Schuster, Ina Züchner, Sarah Dittmann, Nancy Scholze, Celina Barthel, Jenny Noack, Pia Monique Schneider, Julia Bachert

Die Geschichte des legendären Dock28 in einem Keller der Hoyerswerdaer Neustadt beginnt Anfang der 90er Jahre. Macher und Besucher von damals blicken zurück auf die prägende und bewegte Zeit in IHREM Club. Aufgezeichnet und ausgestaltet wurden die Interviews von Jugendlichen des Spurensuche-Teams der Kulturfabrik Hoyerswerda.

Freie Räume – Eine Geschichte der Jugendzentrumsbewegung

Deutschland 2019, 102 min (OV), director: Tobias Frindt

In den frühen 70er Jahren versuchten tausende von Jugendlichen in Westdeutschland in ihren Städten und Gemeinden selbstverwaltete Jugendzentren und Jugendhäuser zu etablieren, um sich eigene Treffpunkte zur Freizeitgestaltung ohne Konsumzwang und ohne Kontrolle durch die Elterngeneration zu schaffen.

Mit Parolen wie “Was wir wollen: Freizeit ohne Kontrollen” gingen sie auf die Straßen, sammelten Unterschriften und stritten sich mit Kommunalpolitikern. Anknüpfend an die 68er-Revolte hatten sich in einer Vielzahl von Städten und Gemeinden Initiativgruppen Jugendlicher gebildet.

Mit der Jugendzentrumsbewegung und der Einrichtung hunderter selbstverwalteter Jugendzentren kam es auch in der „Provinz“ zu politisch-kulturellen Aufbrüchen, die politisierte Jugendkultur der Zeit breitete sich in ländlich-kleinstädtischen wie in suburbanen Räumen aus. Freie Räume geht dieser von der Geschichtsschreibung fast vergessenen Bewegung nach und versucht darüberhinaus herauszufinden, was von ihr übrig geblieben ist.

Ignore Heroes – The True Sounds of Liberty

US 2023, 145 min (OV), director: Jack Grisham

IGNORE HEROES tells the story of the original T.S.O.L. through interviews with the surviving members and those who were there with them in the madness of the early Californian punk rock scene.

Homeshoppers‘ Paradise

Deutschland 2022, 89 min (OV), director: Nancy Mac Granaky-Quaye, with: Jane Chirwa, Errol Trotman-Harewood, Stephen Appleton, Nastassja Kinski
Lisa, a rebellious Black punk, lives with her gang in a trailer park.
There, she has found her family. They are united by the conviction that we live in a capitalist world in which exploitation and profit maximisation are the root cause of all evil. However, this fixed ideology soon becomes a stumbling block for Lisa.
When it is announced that the trailer park is to be sold, she has to become proactive to keep a long-kept secret and, behind the backs of the others, takes a job that is emblematic of capitalist consumer society: Lisa becomes a presenter at the television home shopping station HSP.
The new job confronts her with her hated father Harry, a former pop singer, who Lisa has to present alongside of from now on. Harry is also a presenter at HSP and since he and Lisa haven’t spoken to each other in a long time, he is not particularly pleased about her appearance.
The risk-taking African-American manager William, who is to optimise HSP, recognises the potential of the explosive duo and takes Lisa on. But his interest in her is not only professional and so complications are inevitable. When the other punks find out about Lisa’s double game, the clique’s existence is put to a test.
Old wounds are torn open and Lisa is at risk to lose everything that is important to her. (Tipp vom Festivaldirektor)

Cover Your Ears

Canada 2022, 104 min (OV), director: Sean Patrick Shaul

From poignant protest songs to fluffy Top 40 hits, music has always defined our culture. With such a powerful influence on all aspects of society, the messages and themes portrayed by musicians have long been considered dangerous to some. This film looks at how the censorship of music has shaped not only how we view art and how it’s made, but who we are as consumers and free-thinkers.

ZERFALL – subversiv & dekadent

Deutschland 2022, 50 min (OV), director: Nilo Neuenhofen

Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahre 1983 stand die Punkband Zerfall im Fadenkreuz der DDR-Behörden. Trotz aller Schikanen setzten sie ihre „dekadente“ Tätigkeit fort, blieben aber immer eine Untergrundband. Auseinanderdriftende Interessen und die Einberufung des Schlagzeugers in die NVA besiegelten schließlich den Bandzerfall. Bis ein Auftritt 2008 die Leidenschaft der Bandmitglieder wieder entfachte und für eine „Rekonstituierung“ der Band sorgte, die bis heute anhält.


France 2022, 93 min (OV with english subs), director: Nicolas Drolc, Guillaume Marietta

gonzo documentary about the weirderst organization, the most prolific musical sect, the best kept secret in 21st century underground culture : La Grande Triple Alliance internationale de l’Est