Hard Core Logo II

For many years we’ve been talking about doing a follow-up of Hard Core Logo. Hugh and Callum have both been super busy so we thought that while we were waiting — and waiting to see if Joe Dick comes back from the dead — we could take some of the minor characters from the first movie and put them in the foreground. So Bucky Haight, who is their mentor in the original, becomes one of the major characters. I become a major character, too — I play the filmmaker who filmed the onscreen suicide of the unfortunate Joe Dick and who’s wracked with guilt. Care Failure and her band Die Mannequin play themselves — they’re recording an album with Bucky and I’m documenting it. She’s been channeling the spirit of Joe Dick — he’s writing songs through her. It’s crazy but it’s essentially the story of them making a record in this old dancehall in northern Saskatchewan or Kansas, depending on which country we embrace.